When Volatility is Just Volatility

Brian S. Wesbury – Chief Economist

Robert Stein, CFA – Dep. Chief Economist

Strider Elass – Economist

     Stock market volatility scares people.  But, volatility itself isn’t necessarily bad.  Only if there are fundamental economic problems, something that could cause a recession, would we think volatility itself is a warning sign.

      So, we watch the Four Pillars.  These Pillars – monetary policy, tax policy, spending & regulatory policy, and trade policy – are the real threats to prosperity.  Right now, these Pillars suggest that economic fundamentals remain sound.

     Monetary Policy:  We’re astounded some analysts interpreted last Wednesday’s pronouncements from the Federal Reserve as dovish.  The Fed upgraded its forecasts for economic growth, projected a lower unemployment rate through 2020 and also expects inflation to temporarily exceed its long-term inflation target of 2.0% in 2020.

      As recently as December, only four of sixteen Fed policymakers projected four or more rate hikes this year; now, seven of fifteen are in the more aggressive camp.  Some analysts dwell on the fact that the “median” policymaker still expects only three hikes in 2018, ignoring the trend toward a more aggressive Fed.

     But all of this misses the real point.  Monetary policy will still be loose at the end of 2018, whether the Fed raises rates three or four times this year.  The federal funds rate is about 120 basis points below the yield on the 10-year Treasury (which will rise as the Fed hikes), and is also well below the trend in nominal GDP growth.  Meanwhile, the banking system still holds about $2 trillion in excess reserves.  Monetary policy is a tailwind for growth, not a headwind. 

     Taxes:  The tax cut passed last year is the most pro-growth tax cut since the early 1980s, particularly on the corporate side.  Some analysts argue that the money is just going to be used for share buybacks, but we find that hard to believe.  A lower tax rate means companies have more of an incentive to pursue business ideas that they were on the fence about.

     And there is a big difference between who cuts a check to the government and who truly bears the burden of a tax, what economists call the “incidence of a tax.”

      Cutting the tax rate on Corporate America will lift the demand for labor, meaning workers and managers share the benefits with shareholders.  Yes, some of the tax cut will be used for share buybacks, but that’s OK with us; it means shareholders get money to reinvest in other companies.  Buybacks also move capital away from corporate managers who might otherwise squander the money on “empire building,” pursuing acquisitions for the sake of growth, when returning it to shareholders is more efficient.

     Spending & Regulation:  This pillar is a little shaky.  On regulation, Washington has moved aggressively to reduce red tape rather than expand it.  That’s good.  But, Congress can’t keep a lid on spending.  That’s bad.

      Back in June, the Congressional Budget Office was projecting that discretionary spending in Fiscal Year 2018 would be $1.222 trillion.  (Discretionary spending doesn’t include entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, or net interest on the federal debt.)  Now, the CBO says that’ll reach $1.309 trillion, a gain of 7.1% in just nine months.

      Assuming the CBO got it right back in June on entitlements and interest, that would put this year’s federal spending at 20.9% of GDP, a tick higher than last year at 20.8% - despite faster economic growth.  This extra spending represents a shift in resources from the private sector to the government.  The more the government spends, the slower the economy grows.

     Trade:  Trade wars are not good for growth.  And the US move to put tariffs in place creates the potential for a trade war.  We aren’t dismissing this threat, but a “full blown” trade war remains a low probability event.

     The bottom line:  taxes, regulation and monetary policy are a plus for growth, spending and new tariffs are threats.  Things aren’t perfect, but, in no way do the fundamentals signal major economic problems ahead.  The current volatility in markets is not a warning, it’s just volatility.  

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After making its way through Congress and seeing numerous last-minute tweaks, the tax reform bill was approved by Congress and then signed by President Trump on December 22, 2017. The new tax rates and countless other provisions generally took effect on January 1, 2018. The charts beginning on the following page, aimed at individuals and businesses, provide insight into changes made and provisions left intact. They provide brief explanations of past tax law and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, as well as insight from Raymond James thought leaders.

"Click Charts to see the  following illustrate the difference in the 2018 income tax brackets for the various filing statuses under the new tax laws versus what it would have been without these tax law changes: "

"Pullbacks, Indicators, Barometers, and Fear"

Jeffrey D. Saut, Chief Investment Strategist

So most know we took one of our South Florida speaking tours last week.  Such tours consist of meeting with portfolio managers, presentations to clients of Raymond James, branch visits with our financial advisors, doing the media thing, well you get the idea.  To all of those emailers/callers we were unable to respond to – apologies – but, the fact of the matter is we were doing five or six events a day, interspersed with a massive amount of phone calls, and then drive to the next event.  While there were many questions about the bond/stock/commodity markets, the economy, earnings, etc., by far the most questions were about the December Low Indicator, because we broke below the December low last week.  Recall, we brought this indicator to the attention of Jeff and Yale Hirsch decades ago and they have published it in The Stock Trader’s Almanac ever since.  Since then it has been quoted by many Wall Street pundits, yet Lucien Hooper’s December Low Indicator would likely have been lost if not scribed by us a long, long time ago.  We like this story:
It was back in the early 1970s, when I was working on Wall Street that I encountered Lucien.  At that time Lucien, then in his 70s, was considered one of the savviest “players” in this business.  While known for many market axioms and insights, the one that stuck with me was Lucien’s “December Low Indicator.”  It seems like only yesterday we were sitting at Harry’s at the Amex Bar & Grill having lunch when he explained it.  “Jeff,” he began, “Forget all the noise you hear about the January barometer; pay much more attention to the December low.  That would be the lowest closing price for the Dow Jones during the month of December.  If that low is violated during the first quarter of the New Year, watch out!”
Now the track record of Lucien’s indicator over the past 50 years is pretty good, especially when taken in concert with the January Barometer (“So goes the month of January so goes the year”).  In the more recent history, however, Andrew Adam’s comments of last Friday are worth repeating.  To wit:
One potential red flag, however, is that that the Dow Jones Industrial Average did close below its December closing low of 24410 to give us violation of the "December Low Indicator" we referenced last month.  . . . The last time it happened was only two years ago back in 2016, though the situation was very different considering January 2016 began almost right where the December 2015 low sat, and the Dow ended up closing beneath it on the third trading day of the year.  That, of course, culminated in the January/February correction that ended on February 11 and saw the Dow ultimately fall about 14% from its previous trading high of early November 2015.  After that, though, the market went almost straight up to finish the year comfortably higher.  Overall, the December Low Indicator has a rather mixed history going back to 2000.  It is actually not uncommon at all to get a violation, with 12 occurrences since 2000, and the forward returns have been surprisingly encouraging.  From the point of the December low being broken, the Dow was up after three months 8 out of 12 times, up after six months 7 out of 12 times, and up after 12 months 9 out of 12 times.  So, while it does bear watching, we don't think the indicator, by itself, is enough to be overly concerned about, especially with stocks already near downside extremes.
Speaking to “downside extremes,” the envisioned February Flop came three sessions before our February 1 target, but it was within the +/- three-session window our models allow.  Subsequently, we got the anticipated selling climax last Tuesday, as related on CNBC that day.  Then, as is the typical pattern, the indices experienced a sharp throwback rally that we chatted about on that same CNBC appearance and said that it should fail, with the indices sliding to lower lows.  “The textbook chart pattern,” we said, “would be for an undercut low of Tuesday’s selling climax low.”  Well, that’s pretty much what has happened. What we find interesting is that pundits that NEVER saw this decline coming have been rushing out over the past few weeks touting various support levels; you pick the index, as well as their various stock buy ideas, all of which are pretty worthless until the equity markets exhaust themselves on the downside.  Ladies and gentlemen, when the stock market gets into one of the selling stampedes, all such comments are pretty useless!  So what now?
Well, while normally our mantra of “never on a Friday” should have applied to last Friday’s Flop, meaning stocks in a selling skein rarely bottom on a Friday, that mantra probably doesn’t play this time.  Indeed, the bottoming process we laid out weeks ago was almost textbook, punctuated by last Friday’s undercut low.  As written:

What should happen here is a selling climax low today followed by a throwback rally that fails, leading to a retest of the recent intraday lows.  The perfect chart pattern would be for a marginal undercut low downside test of this early week's trading lows, which would turn EVERYBODY bearish looking for another huge leg to the downside, yet we would BUY it, believing the worst has been seen in a continuing secular bull market.
And then there was this over the weekend from Canada’s savviest oracle ever, our pal Leon Tuey:
What a tumultuous week!  Don’t sweat and be happy as the correction is over and the great bull market has resumed.  On Tuesday, what investors saw was a classic selling climax, which comes at the end of a selling squall.  A selling climax is an emotional catharsis when investors “throw the baby out with the bathwater.”  Besieged by fear, investors are willing to sell at any price.  They fear that their holdings will go to zero.  Consequently, stocks move from weak hands into strong hands.  How fearful?  On Monday, my phone rang off the hook and it didn’t stop ringing until 9:30 p.m.  Most of the callers were  practitioners in the business, retired or active, and they came from Europe, Asia, and local.  That was the most phone calls that I’ve fielded in one day for more than 35 years!  They were all very calm and collected.  I am flattered that they called, but the calls were instructive.  Globally, investors panicked, which is very bullish.  Remember what Warren Buffett advised: “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful!” 
The call for this week: Well, it’s Saturday and we are still on the road.  Since we are writing this from Orlando, a fitting title for the last few weeks would be “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” (Toad); but we digress.  Speaking to yet another ubiquitous question from last week was, “Did we get a Dow Theory sell signal?”  The answer, at least by our interpretation of Dow Theory, is a resounding NO!  So, as stated, the bottoming process was picture perfect.  We called the downturn, last Tuesday’s selling climax, the subsequent failed throwback rally, and Friday’s undercut low (the print low below last Tuesday’s selling climax low).  Indeed, “picture perfect!”  Our energy models are calling for an upside energy whoosh this week, so we think the selling stampede is over!  

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